Vimeotheque Add-Ons

Inspired by our users, crafted with love by our team, the Vimeotheque Add-ons will help you extend the basic plugin functionality.

WordPress Themes Compatibility

Add-on plugin for premium plugin Vimeotheque PRO, introduces import compatibility with the following WordPress themes: Aztec Progression(TV Series compatibility), Buddy Boss, Flatsome, Flycase, JNews, VideoPRO, VidoRev, Vlog and Vlogger.

User permissions

Vimeotheque PRO add-on plugin that allows access setup to plugin areas for Editors, Authors and Contributors.

Elementor Compatibility

Vimeotheque PRO add-on that introduces compatibility with Elementor post templates by adding a video widget that can be incorporated in templates and will display the video embed for video posts created with Vimeotheque.

Membership Plugins compatibility

Vimeotheque PRO add-on for compatibility with membership plugins: Memberful, Memberpress, Members, Paid Member Subscriptions, Paid Memberships Pro, Simple Membership, Ultimate Member and WP-Members.

Learn Dash Video Lesson

Vimeotheque PRO add-on that introduces the ability to import Vimeo videos as LearnDash lessons and set up lesson categories and lesson tags.

Video subtitles manager

Vimeotheque PRO add-on plugin that will set a default subtitle file to be loaded when embedding Vimeo videos with Vimeotheque. The add-on provides functionality for both Classic and Block editor.

Push to Vimeo

Add-on plugin for premium plugin Vimeotheque PRO, allows for local changes of video posts made in WordPress to be pushed to the attached Vimeo video.

Video details re-import

Vimeotheque add-on that re-imports the video data from the Vimeo API to solve the issue with missing images from playlist galleries.


Create activity log and store the debug messages emitted by Vimeotheque when import actions are taken.

Vimeo Me

The Vimeo Me add-on has proven useful when a bulk import from a Vimeo folder, showcase or portfolio needs to be processed fast and video posts created for each video from the selected resource (Vimeo folder, showcase or portfolio). The automated import process runs faster and the imports can be customized by using the available options.

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