Vimeo WordPress plugin – video post v1.1 released

We’re happy to announce the release of version 1.1 for our Vimeo WordPress plugin.

This version comes with some important updates, among which:

  • Vimeo video thumbnail import in WordPress Media Gallery and set up as Featured Image

    This new feature allows easy video thumbnail import for both existing Vimeo video posts as well as newly added ones. For single posts, a new button was added in Featured Image meta box that allows importing of image with a single click.
    For Manual bulk import and Automatic bulk import, to import thumbnails as Featured Image, in Settings page just check “Set featured image” under Bulk Import settings.

  • Compatibility with 2 more premium WordPress themes

    Starting with this version the plugin is compatible with themes SimpleMag and GoodWork, on top of deTube and Avada. If any of the mentioned themes are installed and activated, a new option to import as posts for these themes will be shown when doing single video import or bulk imports (both manual and automatic).

  • New video import options in Settings page

    Except for the extra option to import Vimeo images as Featured Image for posts, 2 new options were added: import video publish date and change slug for custom post type (under Rewrite).

For more information on what other changes version 1.1 brings, please see Vimeo video post changelog.
