Vimeo video post 1.3

We’re happy to let you know that an improved version of Vimeo Video PRO was just released.

This version comes with some brand new features and more customization options that allow you to import your favourite Vimeo videos into WordPress.

One of the many features is the custom video embed size. As you may already know, the plugin allowed 2 video formats: 16:9 and 4:3. Now, it also allows 2.35:1 but this is not all. You can also instruct the plugin to embed the videos into your WordPress pages by using the video size retrieved from Vimeo. This means that not matter what size, your videos will be embedded having the perfect size, no black borders or weird sizes.

One more awesome feature is the possibility to import Vimeo videos as regular post type. If in previous version you could only import videos as custom post type implemented by the plugin or as the post type used by your theme (part of theme compatibility), now you can instruct the plugin to import videos as regular post type and have all the embed options that custom post type has (playback volume, size, etc) for each post created by the plugin.

Yet another great feature are the video tags implemented in this version plus the possibility to specify multiple categories and tags when making bulk imports. More than this, you can also choose to import tags retrieved from Vimeo.

The above are just a few of the new featured. The complete changelog can be found here: Vimeo Video post changelog.

We also updated the plugin documentation, you can find it here: [idocs_archive_url term_id=”vimeo-video-post-wp-plugin” read_more=”Vimeo video post online docs”].

Hope you will like the new features, enjoy and thank you for using the plugin.
