Vimeo Video Post V1.4.8 update

We are happy to announce the release of version 1.4.8 of WordPress video plugin Vimeo Video Post.
This release brings a few more features and solves a couple of bugs (a big THANK YOU to all users that reported the bugs).


  • Added conditions in plugin widgets to prevent error when using certain visual composers;
  • Added warning messages if Vimeo credentials aren’t filled when creating new video posts;
  • Check that taxonomy slug and tag slug are unique;
  • Introduced 3 new options for playlist shortcode and widget for displaying video title, byline and portrait;
  • Occasional invalid license key error solved by trimming key white space;
  • Solved a pagination bug when doing automatic imports that was causing automatic imports to dequeue when feed had an exact number of results per page;
  • Solved an embedding issue that was happening when privacy settings on Vimeo is set to “Only people with the private link”;
  • Added more detailed automatic import stats that will show total number of videos processed, how many imported, how many have privacy status on and how many were skipped.

How to upgrade

You should see a notice in your WordPress Plugins page announcing the update. If you own a valid license key, just hit update and everything will run automatically.
If you prefer to update manually, head over to your CodeFlavors account and download your plugin copy.
